I wanted to share my experience with Ozempic. After spending $4000 (4 months of Ozempic) I lost 10 lbs. But when I went off of it I quickly gained the weight back so I am back where I started. I have no more money to spend and I didn’t even have the $4000 but I used credit. I am so frustrated. I realize you should learn healthy eating habits and I tried. But my metabolism is really slow and I gain weight super easily. I think if you stay on it a really long time and lose a lot of weight then maybe you can try not to gain as much back. Or you can keep the weight off for 3 months or more and develop a new “set” point. I’m not sure but it is way too expensive. The newer medicine that is used specifically for weight loss always seems to be out of stock and again it is very expensive. I am sure it costs the pharmaceutical company much less to make it. Any thoughts?
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