About SurgeryFix
SurgeryFix is a community-based forum for you to share your medical stories and learn from others about their own medical experiences. Explore the discussions pages to interact with others about their medical stories. Visit the hot topics section to read articles from our editors about current medical trends, news, and more. Create an account to comment on other posts and share your own stories. We are always looking to improve the site, and so visit the contact us page to share your feedback and let us know any features you want to see on the site. Thank you for joining the SurgeryFix community!
Mission Statement
SurgeryFix is a community of people exploring medical topics and asking questions about their medical needs. We strive to offer a forum that is collaborative and helpful and will be the place you go to learn more about other’s thoughts on important medical issues. We are always looking to ensure SurgeryFix is the #1 place to discuss medical topics, so please do not hesitate to contact us and share your ideas for additional features to the forum! Also, we take your privacy seriously, and have listed all the details about our policies on the privacy policy page. We understand that discussing medical issues can be personal, and so we want to ensure people’s comments are helpful and contributive, rather than mean-spirited. We reserve the right to delete posts and/or comments that do not align with the collaborative nature of SurgeryFix.