If you think your discussion/comment was unfairly deleted, visit the contact us page and tell us your reasons. We will review the claim and revisit the deleted post/comment.
You must select one of the specialities on SurgeryFix to create a discussion. If there is a speciality you feel is missing from the site, feel free to contact us and let us know.
As long as you create an account and verify your email address, you will be able to create a discussion. Note that discussions are monitored for spam, and will be deleted if they do not contribute positively to SurgeryFix.
You must be signed into an account to create a discussion, but other users will only see your screen name, which does not have to contain your real name.
No, you do not need to be signed in to read community discussions. Signing into your account will allow you to create your own discussions, comment on other discussions, and contact authors through the direct message system.
To contact us, email contact[at]surgeryfix[dot]com. We should respond to your email within 24 hours.
If you would like to delete your account, please email us at contact[at]surgeryfix[dot]com. We will review the request and respond within 24 hours.